Welcome to a list of free email services that do not ask for your phone number. Yep, it’s kind of creepy these days. You need to give away your phone number in exchange for an email account. I mean, while it does add a layer of security, it also comes at the price of privacy. So here is a list of email providers that provide free email services without asking for phone numbers – Read on!
P.S. 1-7 are “more permanent emails”, and 8-12 are “temporary emails”. Otherwise, this list is not in any particular order.
Restrictions: Attachments up to 30MB, total storage of 65 GB for free users. Require an alternate email to sign up.
Signing up with mail.com is a breeze. Simply enter your name, desired email address, security question, password, and that’s it – An email account within 3 minutes. But take note, they do have a limit of 65 GB storage for free users, and the largest allowed file attachment is 30 MB.
That may be a bummer to some, but the extra features they offer greatly outweigh the limits – Two-factor authentication (2FA), email alias, free online Office suite, and even free email mobile apps for both Android and iOS. Mail.com has so far been one of my personal favorites, the servers are decently fast, and their service is just fuss-free.
Restrictions: 1GB of storage space
This is one of the better email services that I know of. Tutanota offers free anonymous sign-ups and up to 1GB of storage space. The better part? Tutanota is encrypted; It adds another layer of security.
The best part? There are no advertisements. Tutanota is open source and funded by donations plus premium accounts. The premium accounts are very affordable at only 1 euro a month. Do support these guys if you like their email service.
Restrictions: 50MB attachments. Require an alternate email to sign up.
GMX (Global Mail eXchange) is run by a listed company in Germany. They are plenty reliable enough, running since 1997. Although they do not state any storage restrictions, there is a 50MB attachment limit… Also, advertisements alert. Take note – Even though you do not need a phone number to register on GMX, you still need another email account.
Restrictions: 500 MB of storage space, send 150 emails a day
Switzerland-based ProtonMail offers free email accounts with 500MB storage and 150 emails a day. While this does not sound very exciting, ProtonMail has a feature that most other email providers don’t – encryption. Yep, you can send encrypted emails to people that are password protected and will expire/self-destruct in a number of days. Is that cool enough now?
Restrictions: 500 MB of storage space. Requires alternate email.
Encryption, privacy, no ads, no tracking. MailFence is one that actually looks pretty convincing. But take note, an existing email is required to sign up and activate MailFence.
A free Russian email provider that many people shared… But the problem is, this site is in Russian only. A little bit of Google Translate did the magic – A pretty simple registration form nonetheless.
- Choose your email address.
- Enter & confirm your password.
- Choose a “security question”.
Restrictions: Might still ask for your phone number…
Yandex is the so-called “Russian Google”. As you might have noticed, I have appended a “not really” on the heading. Yes, and that is for a good reason. You can sign up for a Yandex email account without a phone number, just click on “I don’t have a telephone number” during registration.
BUT here’s the catch – If Yandex somehow deems your account as “spammy”, they will still ask for your phone number as verification. I already have my spare Yandex account locked in this manner, and I am refusing to give them my number. You decide if Yandex is worth your time.
Restrictions: Not a permanent email, 150MB attachment limit.
Want a totally anonymous email? Then create one that is temporary. Introducing Guerrilla Mail – a one-time email that you can create, use, then dispose of immediately. No sign-up is required, and you can even attach files up to 150MB.
Restrictions: Not a permanent email
Email on deck is an alternative to Guerrilla Mail, simply verify that you are not a bot and get your temporary email – Use and dispose of.
Restrictions: Temporary email addresses
Yes, this is another temporary email provider. No fuss, no sign-up is required, no phone numbers, no password. Just don’t use this to keep your dark secrets.
Restrictions: Public email addresses, receiving only
Mailnesia is an email with amnesia. Seriously. Just enter your desired email address, and you get an instant mailbox in seconds – No registration is required. One problem with Mailnesia is that you cannot send any emails with it though.
Tempinbox is yet another public email that you can use within seconds. Again, you can only receive emails with it, and there is no sending of emails with it.
This post is getting quite a number of funny random hate comments from dumb trolls. If you have registration problems, it could very well be anything such as network issues, browser compatibility, geolocation bans, IP blacklist, VPN/TOR not allowed, or providers changing their business policies over time.
Let’s keep things civil here, and help each other out – Just share which worked and not. I obviously don’t run the email services, and cannot monitor them every single day. 😆 Hate and blaming won’t do any good, nor get you a free email address. Chill and good luck!
We have come to the end of this list, and I hope that it has been helpful to you. Now go create your free email accounts without the fear of some random marketer calling you for email upgrades. If you have more free services to share, please feel free to comment below.
Forget my last comment! EmailOnDeck works, Krisp’s website just never finished it’s confirmation animation so I thought that it didn’t work Thanks for suggesting that one!
Protonmail requires a phone number now, real shame.
Mail.com wont even let me sign up… get null error. I tired absurd word and number combos in case it meant address taken… but it doesn’t tell you. Just nope.
Why not just use an email with phone verification, and create a dummy phone number for the text verification?
because they caught on and now they MAKE you pay for those “dummy phone numbers”
Thanks mate. on of these Mail services worked for me, no need phone verification and email recovery.
by the way, I’m Typing without looking at the keyboard !! I think it’s great. 0_o
isn’t it ?
mail.ru , alternate email address and rambler.ru , no phone number
useful article.
thank you.
Read this thread with interest. Thanks for the article and comments.
I just set up an account with Mail.com last night. I was asked to provide either a phone number or another e-mail address. I chose the latter, was able to avoid supplying a phone number. The e-mail address I gave is a faux account I set up that is also not in my name. (I admittedly may have attached a phone number to that address back when I set it up, back when I was not as sensitive about privacy. I do not recall.)
Could not access my new Mail.com account at first. I received the following message: “Dear mail.com member, our system has detected irregular activity related to your account. As a precautionary measure, we have blocked your account. To regain access, please contact our Customer Support.” Wondered if this was because I had not submitted a phone number, even though the account setup allowed me to avoid doing this.
I did contact the Mail.com customer support. Received two e-mail responses overnight to the secondary e-mail account that I provided. They were courteous, helpful. I never had to provide my phone number. Am now able to access my Mail.com account. Thumbs up.
I will say that I have considered getting a burner phone for various websites that require a phone number and where I don’t want to submit my personal cell. Wondering if anyone else has done this. Not sure it’s in my current budget, though.
So in other words, Mail.com is trash.
yeap mail.com and gmx also , both are now trash email ids
Tutanota not a serious email. Stay away from them. I posted on their site of reviews that their site was not working (did not give a bad remark, just mentioned that the site has not worked since I started the email with them…the result of those comments were….your guessed…I was blocked from my own account….talk about dishonesty? Email servers have perfected it
Inbox.Lv a real scammer. Once you try to delete the account–they don’t allow you to send an email without a phone number or another email account–so when you want to delete the account Inbox. Lv says that your infol will be subject to the European Union decision to use your data, butyou have another option of deletion where your name can’t be used for two years, so…I thought, let’s use this one, fill out the fields and in the last field the scammers posted, for the deletion to be effective….we need your phone number–confirmation code…wow…life as we know it, has changed…privacy gone….